Veggie Power | Joe Walsh

Vegan Stories

I clearly remember the moment when I decided to become vegetarian. I was 11. I was walking down the street in Brooklyn, and my brother and I saw some animals near a door. I like animals, so I headed inside, and I saw a goat being held with a knife to his neck, and he was bleating frantically. Chickens were being thrown around roughly. After noticing me, the guys inside that Halal slaughterhouse told me to scram.
When I told my father (who at one time was a butcher’s apprentice), that I wanted to stop eating meat, he replied, “You’ve got to have your protein. You can’t do that.” So at age 19, I exercised some independence and became a vegetarian: At age 29, I went vegan. It wasn’t as easy then as it is now, but it wasn’t really difficult either. I went cold Tofurky and gave up dairy products, eggs, cheese and cow’s milk. It took me two weeks to acclimate. I soon saw positive results from eating plant-strong. I have more endurance as a vegan; my blood pressure is 110/70, and my resting heart rate is low. Soon after adopting a vegan diet, I dropped about 10 pounds, and I was in the best shape I’ve ever been in. People were asking me what I was doing and I’d tell them that I’ve made a slight modification in my diet. I was very pleased with my vital statistics especially since there is a history of heart disease in my family. A few years ago, my brother’s cholesterol was close to 300 and he was advised to go on statins: My cholesterol, on the other hand, is under 150… Even now, after being vegan for so long, I still meet people who ask, “Where do you get your protein? I say “The same place as the silver-backed gorilla gets it — plants.” I also mention that I am a competitive weightlifter. I’ve never met a vegan with a B12 or protein deficiency. I then tell them that I’ve known a lot of people who have had heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer and erectile dysfunction, which could be remedied or prevented by a well-balanced vegan diet. To me, it’s easy. If I can get by in life and do well without inflicting suffering on anybody and with the added benefit of being healthy with very little effort, then it’s a no-brainer.


Co-founder, Asheville Vegan Society


Vegans Make A Difference is here to give vegans a voice! In STORIES, vegans relate why their choice became one of the most powerful decisions of their lives, rooted in the philosophy of compassionate living. They give touching and heartfelt testimonials of why we must expand the circle of compassion to our non-human friends, celebrating each and every one of them as unique and beautiful individuals.