Vegan for Health, Animals and the Earth | Brooke Bussard

Vegan Stories

Starting as a young athlete, then pursuing a career in medicine, and finally spending the majority of my adult life as a personal trainer, I have been fascinated with the human body and on a quest to maximize health and optimize life. Little did I know 25 years ago that I would plow through a snowstorm of conflicting and confusing information on my path to the tranquil oasis provided by a life of whole food plant-based eating.

Following the industry norms, I encouraged clients to eat as much animal-based protein as they desired, and to supplement with the protein and calcium in yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products. I practiced what I preached and although I maintained a normal body weight, I had high blood pressure and daily excruciating episodes of abdominal pain. After a visit to a GI doctor to inquire about the mucus in my bowel movements (after ignoring the issue for years), he suggested I enroll in an experimental trial for an IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome) drug. I opted to take the advice of my sister-in-law instead and eliminated dairy from my diet.

This marked a pivotal point in my educational process. I examined food through a different lens from that point forward. No longer did the “all foods in moderation” phrase apply. I realized that some foods are health-hindering and some are health-promoting, and I only wanted to consume the foods that would foster good health. Whole plant foods were the answer; I felt better and better as the weeks and months passed, and eventually discontinued my high blood pressure medications. The stomach aches no longer occurred, and I was filled with energy.

An amazing revelation occurred during this process. As I realized that we did not need to raise, confine, dominate, and slaughter animals for our own survival, I became increasingly sympathetic to their plight. Melanie Joy’s work on carnism (the ideology that conditions people to eat certain animals) became a significant part of my personal educational process. My awareness of the environmental impact of animal agriculture also grew. I made a decision at this point in my life to spread the word the a plant-based vegan diet is optimal for human health, animal rights, and planet Earth.

Food For Life Instructor,
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Vegans Make A Difference is here to give vegans a voice! In STORIES, vegans relate why their choice became one of the most powerful decisions of their lives, rooted in the philosophy of compassionate living. They give touching and heartfelt testimonials of why we must expand the circle of compassion to our non-human friends, celebrating each and every one of them as unique and beautiful individuals.