Kind Living | Elin Fjeld

Vegan Stories


How can we consciously pick a kind lifestyle?
Well. It’s actually quite simple. By hiring one question to be the top dog of your decision-making. “Is this choice good for me, for the world and does it exclude harm on anybody, anything or anyone else? If yes, Go!

Thoughts can get in the way.
Every day thousands of thoughts pass through our minds. Our uninvited limiting thoughts become our beliefs when left alone with no interference and suddenly they can become our unconscious leading “truth.”
We are all wired to live an abundant life full of joy, happiness, creativity, compassion and love. That’s our true nature. But from an early age we are conditioned to make decisions based upon fear of disapproval, debunked myths, traditions, ego, the urge for control and power, social codes and we strive after that perfect life that media shows us.
When we wake up to the fact that a lot of this is all an illusion built upon the marketing strategy of money-making industries that makes decisions based on getting ahead in the wrong way. Love is absent in the process of containing power and manipulating us to “need” their products. Then we shouldn’t follow the crowd in fear of being different.
Take responsibility for your own beliefs and check them. You will quickly be able to sort the lies from the truth. If we flip it around we can feel gratitude for the opportunity to grow, to learn, to choose to step away from what does not serve us.

The body knows.
Our body is intelligent and it will tell you what is right or wrong if we learn to listen. Deep down we all know what is real. No one can feel good if they are contributing to exploitation, hurt, destruction and killing people, animals and nature. Our guilty conscience is always lurking underneath the surface.

Rewarding ourselves the wrong way.
We are standing in the middle of the biggest social injustice movement in our time. The captivity, exploitation, violence and killing of millions of animals for our own pleasure, taste and appearances. At the same time our nature is being deployed faster than it can catch up and reproduce, leaving large land, sea areas and species to be completely wiped out.
We are trying to enjoy life, but unconsciously doing so at the expense of other humans, animals and nature. We are maximizing our consumption and throwing away unnecessary resources instead of sharing, buying fairly-made quality and sustainable products that we really need and make use of.
We are asking too little of manufacturers and product developers. We keep supporting an uneven and unfair world because it’s beneficial for our personal economy. If something is cheap, you better believe someone else is paying the price!
I think we are stocking up on stuff and comfort to fill up the emptiness we feel in our heart. There is no longer any science that can tell us any of this is a good idea, so why aren’t we all making changes?
We keep buying into unhealthy and unethical bargains and keep lying to ourselves and pretend we don’t understand why we aren’t feeling awesome, because we are just doing what everyone else is doing right?
Well, lots of people feel bad on the inside, and it’s not always easy to tell on the surface. And I think this is what comes out as aggressive behavior, tantrums, violence, anxiety, depression, stress-related illnesses, hidden self-destruction and verbally pressing others down.
I don’t think we are walking around feeling bad inside for no apparent reason, I feel the reason is obvious. How can we feel good when we are contributing to this unethical industry? The answer is: We can’t.

Only you are responsible for your actions.
Someone once said that if no one is questioning your behavior you are doing something wrong. There is a truth to this in the sense that it’s so much easier to keep up bad behavior if there are many others doing the same. It’s like we are sharing the quilt collectively which takes some of the sting out. But it doesn’t make it right, and your body knows, your soul knows and deep down you know – and my belief is that that’s why you feel bad!
You are responsible for your own intentions and actions. If your intentions are not pure, you will not feel good and you are therefore hurting yourself. And even though self-destruction is firstly the ruining of your own happiness – you are also robbing others from receiving love and the gifts that you carry and should be sharing with the world. And that is sad, because we all need each other.

Kindness is the way.
Too often we get angry and sad and feel unworthy because we aren’t receiving what we need from others. Again and again we measure our worth in the way we are treated. The truth is that your happiness is your responsibility. Release your expectations towards others, and release your expectations towards yourself in regards to having any sort of responsibility for filling up anyone else’s well. Just be kind to yourself first. Make those ethical good choices that you know will leave your conscious clean and your spirit happy.
When we learn to treat ourselves with more love, kindness and acceptance, we cultivate the ability to be loving, kind and accepting to others as well. When you start feeling more fulfilled you will quickly realize the need to live a more kind, conscious, meaningful life growing more powerful within and the urge to make those changes and share your knowledge and support others in doing the same. You will start feeling more grateful. This is being rewarded the right way, enjoying life with no blood on your hands.
Doesn’t it feel good to do good things for yourself and for others?
When you choose to live a kind life with good intentions and an open mind things will fall into place and you will be able to see new opportunities. Kindness is pure magic. It’s asking us to follow our heart and then everything else will follow. It’s so nice to be able to have no other agenda than kindness. It’s the freedom I always searched for. The freedom to choose to meet everyone with grace, humility and love and knowing that everyone is just doing the very best they can in this moment, with their resources. If they could do better they would. Everyone is just trying to survive in the only way they can, that’s why they can’t be responsible for your happiness. And it’s up to those of us who know this to lead the way – the kind way.

Rise up as a changemaker.
When we feel bad we often end up questioning ourselves and looking for reasons to why we feel bad, when really it’s just our body telling us that we don’t want to live the way we are living anymore. Some things need to be resolved, we need to forgive ourselves, find new ways and open up for something new. All the signs are here to motivate you to change. For the well-being of yourself, all living beings, nature – the earth as a whole. You have the power to choose. There is no competition or holding others back when we choose love as our path and kindness in every action.
Start with giving kindness to yourself, and then make a momentum!

Vegans Make A Difference is here to give vegans a voice! In STORIES, vegans relate why their choice became one of the most powerful decisions of their lives, rooted in the philosophy of compassionate living. They give touching and heartfelt testimonials of why we must expand the circle of compassion to our non-human friends, celebrating each and every one of them as unique and beautiful individuals.